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1 J.W. Kim, G.M. Eom, C.S. Kim, D.H. Kim, J.H. Lee, B.K. Park, and J. Hong, "Sex differences in the postural sway characteristics of young and elderly subjects during quiet natural standing," Geriatr Gerontal Int, 2010 (in print)./ View Article
2 Statistics Korea, "Number of death(1983-) according to the causes of death(236 items)/gender/age(5 years), Death rate(2000-)," Available at, Accessed Feb 19, 2010./ View Article
3 J. S. Lee, "Technical advances in current PET and hybrid imaging systems," Open Nucl. Med. J., 2010. [In press]/ View Article
4 S. M. Ahn, S. M. Kim, and J. S. Lee, "ART reconstruction of limited-angle data using constrained, total-variation minimization," Spring Symposium of Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering. 2010./ View Article
5 M. Ito, J. S. Lee, S. Il Kwon, G. S. Lee, B. Hong, K. S. Lee, et al., "A four-layer DOI detector with a relative offset for use in an animal PET system," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 976-981, 2010./   DOI View Article
6 J. S. Lee, and S. J. Hong Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for PET/MRI. In: Iniewski K, eds. Electronic Circuits for Radiation Detection. CRC Press LLC, 2010, pp. 179-200./ View Article
7 J. H. Jung, Y. Choi, K. J. Hong, W. Hu, J. Kang, B. J. Min, S. H. Shin, H. K. Lim, Y. S. Huh, and E. J. Kim, "Development of a position decoder circuit for PET consisting of GAPD arrays," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, vol. 621, no. 1-3, pp. 310-315, 2010./   DOI View Article
8 M. Ito, J. S. Lee, M. J. Park, K. S. Sim, and S. J. Hong, "Design and simulation of a novel method for determining depth-of- interaction in a PET scintillation crystal array using a single- ended readout by a multi-anode PMT," Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 55, no. 13, pp. 3827-3841, 2010./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 D. Zhang, A. Maye, X. Gao, B. Hong, A.K. Engel, and S. Gao, "An independent brain-computer interface using covert non-spatial visual selective attention," J. Neural Eng., vol. 7, 016010, 2010./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 D.W. Kim, H.J. Hwang, J.H. Lim, and C.H. Im, "Classification of selective attention to auditory stimuli with different beat frequencies and directions: a preliminary study," Proc. TOBI Workshop 2010, Graz, Austria, 2010 (Journal paper in preparation)./ View Article