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1 Bilgehan, M. and Turgut, P. (2010), "Artificial neural network approach to predict compressive strength of concrete through ultrasonic pulse velocity", Res. Nondestruct. Eval., 21, 1-17./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Tapkn, S., Cevik, A. and Uar, U. (2010), "Prediction of Marshall test results for polypropylene modified dense bituminous mixtures using neural networks", Expert Systems with Applications, doi:10.1016/j.eswa. 2009. 12.042./ View Article
3 Dujc, J., Brank, B., Ibrahimbegovi, A. and Brancherie, D. (2010), "An embedded crack model for failure analysis of concrete solids", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
4 Dominguez, N., Fernandez, M.A. and Ibrahimbegovic, A. (2010), "Enhanced solid element for modeling or reinforced-concrete structures with bond slip", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
5 Ibrahimbegovic, A., Boulkertous, A., Davenne, L. and Brancherie, D. (2010), "Modelling of RC structures providing crack-spacing based on X-FEM, ED-FEM and novel operator split solution procedure", Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. (in press)/ View Article
6 Ibrahimbegovic, A., Boulkertous, A., Davenne, L., Muhasilovic, M. and Pokrklic, A. (2010), "On modeling of fire resistance tests on concrete and reinforced-concrete structures", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
7 Dom nguez, N. and Fernández, M.A. (2010), "Enhanced solid element for modelling of reinforced concrete structures with bond-slip", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
8 Dujc, J, Brank, B., Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Brancherie, D. (2010), "An embedded crack model for failure analysis of concrete solids", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
9 Ibrahimbegovic, A., Boulkertous, A., Davenne, L., Muhasilovic, M. and Pokrklic, A. (2010), "On modeling of fire resistance tests on concrete and reinforced concrete structures", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article
10 Jehel, P., Davenne, L., Ibrahimbegovic, A. and Léger, P. (2010), "Towards robust viscoelastic-plastic-damage material model with different hardenings/softenings capable of representing salient phenomena in seismic loading applications", Comput. Concrete, 7(4)./ View Article