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1 D. Zhang, H. Terasaki, Y. Komizo: Acta Materialia, 58, (2010), 1369/   DOI View Article
2 N. T. Thinh : Prediction of Heating-Line Paths in Induction Heating Process using the Neural Network, PhD Dissertation, Chonnam National University, 2010/ View Article
3 Park Sang Ki, 2010, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Development of Boiler Tube Inspection Technique by Computed Radiography, 371-391/ View Article
4 Taewon Park, Youngbeum Song, Honggyu Kim, Sungsuk Hong, Inok Shim : Outline of Ezplosion Bulge Test Underwater of Welding Structure, Journal of kwjs, 28-1 (2010), 6-9. (in Korean)/ View Article
5 Yong-Bok Lee: Characteristics of fatigue behavior and fracture surfaces by rotary bending test in SM45C welding zone, Journal of KSMTE, 19-1( 2010), 26-32(in Korean)/   KOI View Article
6 J. Choi. etc on., "A study on laser welding characteristics of 1,500MPa grade ultra high strength steel for automotive application", Journal of KSLP, 13-3, (2010), 19-26 (in Korean)/   KOI View Article
7 Rosa Arias etc on., "Laser welding applied to advanced high strength steels for automotive application", ICALEO, 1002 (2010), 371-379/ View Article
8 H. Karbasian and A. E. Tekkaya, "A review on hot stamping", Journal of Mater. Proc. Technology, 210 (2010), 2103-2118/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 V. Firouzdor and S. Kou, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A (2010), published online first/ View Article
10 S.W. Song, B.C. Kim, T.J. Yoon, N.K. Kim, I.B. Kim and C.Y. Kang, Materials Transactions, 51 (2010), 1319-1325/   DOI   Ndsl View Article