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1 Sisselman, M. (2007), Value-Based Routing and Preference-Based Routing in Customer Contact Centers,ProductionandOperationsManagement, 16, 277-291/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Bazzazi, M., Safaei, N., and Javadian, N. (2008), A genetic algorithm to solve the storage space allocation problem in a container terminal, Computers and Industrial Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.cie.2008.03.012/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
3 Kim,Kihong (2009), Integration Innovation of foundation of Korean production method, Donga Business Review, 26, 120-123/ View Article
4 Lee, H., Park, Y., and Choi, H. (2009), Comparative Evaluation of Performance ofNational R&DProgramsWithHeterogeneousObjectives :ADEAApproach, European Journal of Operational Research, 196(3), 847-855/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
5 Hsu, F. M. and Hsueh, C. C. (2009), Measuring Relative Efficiency of Government-Sponsored R&D Projects : A Three-Stage Approach, Evaluation and ProgramPlanning, 32(2), 178-186/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
6 Yuko, Y., Masayoshi, W., and Motoki, K. (2009), Application of Technology Roadmaps to Governmental Innovation Policy for Promoting Technology Convergence, Technological Forecastingand social change, 76, 61-79/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 Gerdsri, N., Vatananan, R. S., and Dansamasatid, S. (2009), Dealing with the Dynamics of Technology Roadmapping Implementation : A case study, Technological Forecastingand Social Change, 76, 50-60/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Phaal, R. and Muller, G. (2009), An Architectural Framework for Roadmapping : Towares Visual Strategy, technological forecastingand social change, 76, 39-49/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 WIKIPEDIA (2009), View Article
10 Elhafsi, M. Optimal integrated production and inventory control of an assemble-to-order system with multiple non-unitary demand classes, European Journal of Operational Research (forthcoming)/   DOI   Ndsl View Article