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1 Lim, J. and Shin, S-J., “Modularization and Formula Upgrade for a Rotorcraft Preliminary Design Framework”, 50th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials, Palm Springs, May4-7, 2009./ View Article
2 Agus Budiyono, Kwang Joon Yoon, Finley D. Daniel, “Integrated identification modeling of rotorcraft-based unmanned aerial vehicle,” med, pp. 898-903, 2009 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2009./   DOI View Article
3 Idris E. Putro, A.Budiyono, K.J.Yoon and D.H. Kim, “Modeling of Unmanned Small Scale Rotorcraft based on Neural Network Identification,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, February 22-24, 2009./   DOI View Article
4 A. Budiyono, T. Sudiyanto, and H. Lesmana, “Global Linear Modeling of Small Scale Helicopter,” In Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) series, Springer-Verlag, April, 2009./ View Article
5 M. Kartidjo, S. A. Nugroho, and R.Parama, “Design and Testing Guide Vanes of Single Rotor Ducted Fan”, International Symposium on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ISIUS2009), Jeju Island, June 2009./ View Article
6 A. Budiyono, and T. Sudiyanto, “Control of Small Scale Helicopter using s-CDM and LQ Design,” In Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) series, Springer-Verlag, April, 2009./ View Article
7 Budiyono, A., Sudiyanto, T. and Lesmana, H., Global Linear Modeling of Small Scale Helicopter . In Intelligent Unmanned Systems: Theory and Applications. Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) series, Springer- Verlag, April, 2009./ View Article
8 Idris E. Putro, A.Budiyono, K.J.Yoon and D.H. Kim, Modeling of Unmanned Small Scale Rotorcraft based on Neural Network Identification, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, February 22-24, 2009./   DOI View Article
9 Kim, J. W., Park, S. H., and Yu, Y. H., 2009, “Euler and Navier-Stokes Simulations of Helicopter Rotor Blade in Forward Flight Using an Overlapped Grid Solver”, AIAA2009-4268, 19th AIAA CFD Conference, San Antonio, TX./ View Article
10 Jayoung Ki, Changduk Kong, Seonghee Kho, Jaehwan Kim, Ieeki Ahn, Daesung Lee, "Development of On-line Performance Diagnostics Program of a Helicopter Propulsion System", ASME TURBO EXPO 2009, 2009-GT-59519./ View Article