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1 Raa, B. and E.H. Aghezzaf, 'A Practical Solution Approach for the Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem,' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.192(2009), pp.429-441/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Boudia, M and C Prins, 'A Merretic Algorithm with Dynamic Population Management for an Integrated Production-distribution Problem,' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.195(2009), pp.703-715/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
3 방위사업관리규정(방위사업청 훈령 제88호), 2009/ View Article
4 배윤호, 최석철, 문희승, '기술성숙도 측정을 통한 ACTD과제 전이결정에 관한 연구', '한국군사과학기술학회지', 제12권, 제1호(2009), p.66/   KOI View Article
5 Bong Gyou Lee, Jeong Ho Kwak, Ki Youn Kim, Seong jin Kim, 'Technical innovation and 3.5 mobile phone generation: Lessons from Korea,' Telecommunications Policy 33, pp.296-308/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
6 IDTechEx, RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2009-2019, 2009/ View Article
7 이상일, '통신사업자들의 IT분야 신사업 전략', '주간기술동향', 통권 1379호(2009), pp.27-39/ View Article
8 장재현, '2009년 통신서비스 시장의 주요 이슈', 'LG Business Insight', LGERI 리포트(2009), pp.2-15/ View Article
9 AACSB, Accreditation Standards(2009), available online at asp/ View Article
10 Chin, W.W. and PLS-Graph, CT Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 2009/ View Article