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1 T. H. Bok, Y. Li, D. G. Paeng, J. Lee, K. K. Shin and C. Y. Joh, 'Calculation of mutual radiation impedance by spatial convolution in the cylindrical baffle,' J. Aousct. Soc. Kor., 2009/   KOI View Article
2 J. -H. Choi, S. U. Seol and J. -H. Chang, 'A Study on Voice Communication Quality Criteria Under Mobile-VolP Environments', The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of Korea, vol. 28, no. 2E, PP. 1-8, 2009/   KOI View Article
3 Vu D.T., Seo Y.J., Trung P.T., Kim J.Y., and Na S.Y., 'Split-and-Merge Fast Level Set Methods and their application to medical image segmentation,' Proceedings of KIIS Spring Conference, vol.19, no.1, 2009/ View Article
4 K. Lee and W. Seong, 'Time-domain Kirchoff model for acoustic scattering from an impedance polygon facet,' J. Acous. Soc. Am .. Vol. 126, PP. EL14-EL21, 2009/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
5 Z. Qiao, L. Sun, and E. C. Ifeachor, 'Case study of PESQ performance in live wireless mobile VolP environments,' in Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 19th Inernafional Symposium on, PP. 15-18, Sep. 2008/   DOI View Article
6 Nixon M.S. and Aguado A.S., Feature Extraction & Image Processing, 2nd Edition. Elsevier Academic Press, 2008/ View Article
7 Shi Y. and Karl W.C., 'A Real-Time Algorithm for the Approximation of Level-Set-Based Curve Evolution,' IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol.17, no.5, pp.645-656, 2008/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Y.-J. Park and H.-M. Park, 'Non-stationary sound source localization based on zero crossings with the detection of onset intervals,' IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 5, no. 24, PP. 1054-1060, 2008/   DOI View Article
9 C. Sanderson, Biometric Person Recognition: Face, Speech and Fusion, VDM-Verlag, 2008/ View Article
10 Y.-J. Park, S.-Y. Lee, H.-M. Park, 'Zero-crossing-based source direction estimation using a cepstral prefiltering technique,' Journal of the Korean Society of Phonetic Sciences and Speech Technology, no. 67, PP. 121-133, 2008/   KOI View Article