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1 Kuo-Tsung Huang et al : Vibration fracture resistance of 5052H112 aluminum alloy processed by cold rolling and friction stirring, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 470 (2009), 278–284/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Jong Do Kim, Myung Sub Kwak, Chang Soo Kim : A Study of Weldability for Pure Titanium by Nd:YAG Laser(I) - Weld Properties with Shield Conditions -, Journal of KWS, 27-5(2009), 55-61 (in Korean)/   DOI View Article
3 Jae-Cheul Park, et al: Evaluation of mechanical characteristic and investigation on optimum condition in friction stir processing for 5456-H116 Al alloy, J. Kor. Inst. Surf. Eng, 42-1(2009),13-20/   KOI   DOI   Ndsl View Article
4 Jong Do Kim, Myung Sub Kwak, Moo Keun Song, Seung-Ha Park : A Study of Weldability for Pure Titanium by Nd:YAG Laser(II) - Welding Properties of Butt Welding -, 27-6(2009), 74-79/   DOI View Article
5 Jong Do Kim, Myung Sub Kwak, Chang Soo Kim : A Study of Weldability for Pure Titanium by Nd:YAG Laser(I) - Weld Properties with Shield Conditions -, Journal of KWS, 27-5(2009), 55-61 (in Korean)/   DOI View Article
6 B.G. Yoo, K.W, Lee, J.I. Jang: Instrumented indentation of a Pd-based bulk metallic glass: Constant loading-rate test vs constant strain-rate test, Juornal of Alloys and Compounds, 483 (2009), 136-138/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 Y. Huang, Y.L. Chiu, J. Shen, J.J. Chen, J. Sun: Nanoindentation study of Ti-based metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 479(2009), 121-128/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Z. Chen, Y. Shi, B. Jiao and H. Zhao : Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation of Spot Welds for Zinc-coated High Strength Steel Sheet Based on Wavelet Packet Analysis, J. Mat. Pro. Tec., 209 (2009), 2329-2337/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 G. F. Nino, T.J. Ahmed, H. E. N. Bersee and A. Beukers : Thermal NDI of Resistance Welded Composite Structures, Composites: Part B, 40-3 (2009), 237-248/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 Jong-Woong Km, Seung-Boo Jung : Fabrication and electrical characterization of through-Si-via interconnect for 3-D packaging, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 8(1), (2009), 013040/   DOI   Ndsl View Article