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1 Lavoie, G.A.; Imai, Y.A.; Johnson, P.J. A fuel vapor model (FVSMOD) for evaporative emissions system design and analysis, SAE paper 982644, 1998/ View Article
2 Lavoie, G.A.; Johnson, P.J.; Hood, J.F. Carbon canister modeling for evaporative emissions: Adsorption and thermal effects, SAE paper 981210, 1998/ View Article
3 Johnson, P.J.; Jamrog, J.R.; Lavoie, G.A. Activated carbon canister performance during diurnal cycles : An experimental and modeling evaluation, SAE paper 971651, 1997/ View Article
4 Takagaki, S. "The effects of compression ratio on nitric oxide and hydrocarbon emissions from a spark-ignition natural gas fuelled engine." SAE paper 970506, (Feb. 1997)./ View Article
5 Y. J. Rho, I. Y. Ohm, K. S. Jeong, and I. S. Jeung, "Laser Rayleigh Scattering Measurements of Fuel Concentration in a Steay Flow Rig". KSAE 96380254, 1996./ View Article
6 S.K Fulcher, B.F Gajdeczco "The effects of fuel atomization, vaporization and mixing on the cold start UHC emission of a contem porary S.I engine with intake manifold injection" SAE952482./ View Article
7 T. D. Fansler, D. T. French and M. C. Drake, "Fuel Distribution in a Firing Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Engine Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging", SAE Paper 950110, 1995./ View Article
8 C. Arcoumanis, C. S. Bae and Z. Hu, "Flow and Combustion in a Four Valve, Spark-Ignition Optical Engine", SAE Paper 940475, 1994./ View Article
9 S. C. Jhonston , "Precombustion Fuel/Air Distribution in a stratified Charge Engine Using Laser Raman Spectroscopy", SAE Paper 790433, 1979./ View Article
10 Donald L. Stivender, "Development of a Fuel-Based Mass Emission Measurement", SAE paper 710604, (1971)./ View Article