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1 Johnson, R., Desvougesm, W. H., Fries, E., and Wood, L., 'Conjoint analysis of individual and aggregate preferences,' Triangle Economic Research. Working Paper T-9502. Research Triangle, NC (1995)/ View Article
2 Barth, D. S., Mason, B. J., Starks, T. H., and Brown, K. W., Soil Sampling Quality Assurance User's Guide, EPA/ 600/8089/046, USEPA, Nevada (1989)/ View Article
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4 Kim, B. H., Park, D. H., Shin, P. K., Chang, I. S., and Kim, H. J., "Mediator-less biofuel cell," US Patent 5976719 (1999)/ View Article
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9 Chae, K. J., Choi, M., Ajayi, F. F., Park, W., Chang, I. S., and Kim, I. S., "Mass Transport through a Proton Exchange Membrane (Nafion) in Microbial Fuel Cells," Energy Fuels, 22(1), 169-176 (2008)/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 Venkata Mohan, S., Saravanan, R., Raghavulu, S. V., Mohanakrishna, G., and Sarma, P. N., "Bioelectricity production from wastewater treatment in dual chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC) using selectively enriched mixed microflora: Effect of catholyte," Bioresour. Technol., 99(3), 596-603 (2008)/   DOI   Ndsl View Article