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1 ASTM D6670-01, 2001, Standard Practice for Full-Scale Chamber, Determination of Volatile Organic Emissions form Indoor Materials/Products, p. 17/ View Article
2 ANSI/AMCA 210-99, ANSI/ASHRAE 511999, 1999, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating, AMCA, ASHREA/ View Article
3 ASTM D5116-97, 1997, Standard guide for small-scale environmental chamber determination of organic emissions from indoor materials/products, ASTM D5116-97, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)/ View Article
4 Capstone Technical Reference 410046-001 Rev A, Capstone Model C30 OEM Performence (Japan), 2004/ View Article
5 KS M 3363, 2003, Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations - Polybutylene pipes, Korean Standards Association/ View Article
6 KS F 2603, Korean Standards Association/ View Article
7 KS B 2331, 1992, Faucets, Korean Standards Association/ View Article
8 Kim, N. H., Han, S. P. and Park, T. K, 2006, Two-phase distribution in a header of a parallel flow heat exchanger, 13th Int. Het Transfer Conference, Sydney, Aug. 13-18/ View Article
9 Kim, N. H., Shin, T. R. and Sim, Y. S., 2006, Distribution of air-water two-phase flow in a header of aluminum flat tube evaporator, J. SAREK, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 55-66/   KOI View Article
10 Jung, J. H. and Shin, Y. G., 2006, A study on the optimal control strategy of air-conditioning system with slab thermal storage, The difference by the presence of radiant heat as a criterion factor, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, Vol. 18, No.4, pp.287-296/   KOI View Article