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1 JDOM, Available at:, Accessed June 2, 2006/ View Article
2 MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Databases, Available at:, Accessed Jun 2, 2006/ View Article
3 Barry D. Brown, Fabio Badlini, HL7 aECG Implementation Guide, Available at: Acessed June 2, 2006/ View Article
4 S. K. Oh, W. Pedrycz and H. S. Park, 'Genetically Optimized Multi-layer Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks: Analysis and Design', Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 1-15, 2006/ View Article
5 J. M. Ferranti, R. C. Musser, K. Kawamoto, and W. E. Hammond, 'The Clinical Document Architecture and the Continuity of Care Record: A Critical Analysis,' J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2006/   DOI View Article
6 A. Beveridge, 'An object-oriented programming system for the integration of internet-based bioinformatics resources,' Appl Bioinformatics, vol. 5, pp. 29-39, 2006/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 E. A. Henderson, et al 'ATSC DTV receiver implementation,' Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 119-147, Jan. 2006/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 조봉관, -2 - +90쑥뜸요법, 홍릉과학출판사, pp. 98, 117-50, 2006/ View Article
9 D.E. Yoon, B.K. Jo, J.W.Kim, 'A Study on the Moxa Extract Moxibustion Method for the Diabetes', Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research, pp39-46, 2006/ View Article
10 윤동엽, 조봉관, 배종일, 구자성, 김종원, 이현민, 조훈석, 신우진, 서상호, 박동일, 홍상훈, '약쑥엑스제 쑥뜸방식에 의한 체간온도 변화와 당뇨병 임상에 관한 연구', 대한한의학회지 27권 (1), pp 165-183, 2006/   KOI View Article