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1 CRIEPI. ライフサイクル$CO_2$排出量による發電技術の評價, 研究報告(Y99009), 2000/ View Article
2 Yang, Y.S.; Bak, N.C.; Lee, D.W.; Park, Y.H. 'Energy System Supporting Research of Green House', Korea Institute of Energy Research, KIER-971232, 1997/ View Article
3 Aoyama, T.; Hattori, Y; Mizulta, J.; Sato, Y. 'An experimental study on premixed-charge compression ignition gasoline engine', SAE Paper 960081, 1996/ View Article
4 Chuiho Yu; Taehoon Kim; Juheon Lee; Seokhong Noh; Kyuhoon Choi. 'Development of KMC 2.4L Lean Bum Engine', SAE 950685, 1995/ View Article
5 Jun Harada; Tsutomu Tomita; Hiroyuki Mizuno; Zenichiro Mashiki; Yasushi Ito. 'Development of Direct Injection Gasoline Engine', SAE 950685, 1995/ View Article
6 Yang, Y.S. 'Local Energy Practical Use Base Technical Development', Korea Institute of Energy Research, KE-93002G, 1993/ View Article
7 Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Projected Impact of a Renewable Portfolio Standard on Minnesotas Electricity Prices, MN Building Suite 600, 46 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101, USA/ View Article
8 Madrzykowski, D. Study of the Ignition Inhibiting Properties of Compressed Air Foam, NISTIR 88-3880, U. S. Department of Commerce, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 1988/ View Article
9 KS M 3514 95. 'Standard for Polyethylene Pipes for the Supply of Gaseous Fuels', Korean Standard, 1995/ View Article
10 ASTM D2513 95. 'Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings', ASTM International, 1995/ View Article