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1 J. C. Pommier, J. Poustis, C. Baquey, and D. Chauveaux, Fr. Pat. 8610331 (1986)/ View Article
2 C. H. Howell, Jr., C.A., 73, 78733(1970)/ View Article
3 S. Kumaraswamy, T. Bergstedt, X. Shi, F. Rininsland, S. Kushon, W. Xia, K. Ley, K. Achyuthan, D. McBranch, and D. Whitten, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 101, 7511 (2004)/ View Article
4 M. R. Pinto and K. S. Schanze, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 101, 7505 (2004)/ View Article
5 G. Schmelzer, H. Gruber, E. Degener, and W. Zeicher, C.A., 73, 67337 (1970)/ View Article
6 J. F. Levy and J. Kusean, C.A., 78, 59887 (1973)/ View Article
7 J. Picard and P. Hantzer, C.A., 64, 5268 (1966)/ View Article
8 Usuki, et al., US Patent 4889885 (1989)/ View Article
9 P. R. Schaeffer and N. E. Steely, C.A., 73, 4740 (1970)/ View Article
10 G. N. Rye, R. S. Bhakuni, J. L. Cormany, Jr., and T. E. Evans, C.A., 73, 46449 (1970)/ View Article