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1 J. O. Kim, K. K. Hwang, and H, G, Jeong, 'Radial vibration characteristics of piezoelectric cylindrical transducers,' Joumal of Sound and Vibration, to be published, 2004/ View Article
2 C. Choi, D. Kong, S. M. Yoon, and H.-K. Lee, 'Separation of multiple concurrent speeches using audio-visual speaker localization and minimum variance beamforming,' in Proc. ICSLP, (Jeju, Korea), October 4-8, 2004/ View Article
3 A. Sheremet, and G.W. Stone, 'Observations of waves of overmuddy seabed', J. Geophys. Res. 2004/ View Article
4 H. S. Kim, J. W. Choi, J. Y, Na, D. W. Suk, 'Measurements of Backscattehng Strength from Various Shapes of Sediment Surfaces and Layers,' J. Acoust. Soc. kor., 22(1), pp.78-87, 2003/ View Article
5 J. G. Lee, Vibration and Acoustic Characteristics for Developing a Cylindrical Ultrasonic Cleaning Device, Soongsil University Master Thesis, 2003/ View Article
6 J. O. Kim, K. K. Hwang, and H. H. Bau, 'A study for the measurement of a fluid density in a pipe using elastic waves,' Joumal ofthe Korean Society for NondestfUctive Testing, 23(6), pp, 583-593, 2003/ View Article
7 K. J. Park, E. H. Kim, D. H. Kang, and J. Y. Na, 'Variability of Vertical Distribution of Volume Scattering Observed in the Shallow Water,' J.Acoust. Soc. Kor., 22(1), pp.69-77, 2003/ View Article
8 Na, Y. N., Y. G. Kim, S. I. Kim, S. H. Lee, Y. G. Lee, C. B. Cho, and H. S. Kim, Development of Submarine Acoustic Information Management System(SAIMS 1.0), ADD Rep. NSDC-517-031109, Nov. 2003/ View Article
9 S. Araki, S. Makino, R. Aichner, T. Nishikawa, and H. Saruwatari, 'Subband based blind source separation with appropriate processing for each frequency band,' in Proc. ICA2003, (Nara, Japan), pp.499-504, April 2003/ View Article
10 E. Visser, M. Otsuka, and T.-W, Lee, 'A spatio-temporal speech enhancement scheme for robust speech recognition in noisy environments,' Speech Communications, vol.41, pp.393-407, 2003/   DOI   Ndsl View Article