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1 H.K. Kim, SMP65-SA-ST520-03, 'An analysis of a Steam Generator Module Pipe Break for the SMART-P', KAERI, 2004/ View Article
2 H.K. Kim, SMP65-SA-ST520-02, 'An analysis of a Steam Generator Tube Rupture for the SMART-P',KAERI, 2004/ View Article
3 Proceedings of DigitaI Instrumentation Upgrades Workshop, Embedded Meeting of NPIC & HMIT 2004, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 19, 2004/ View Article
4 S. W. Cheon, K. H. Cha, J. Y. Kim, J. S. Lee, H. S. Sohn, Y, J. Lee and K. C. Kwon, 'Software Life-Cycle V&V Tasks for the KNICS Plant Protection System Prototype.' 4th ANS Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls and Human-Machine Inter- face Technologies (NPIC & HMIT 2004), Columbus,Ohio, Sept. 19-22, 2004/ View Article
5 K. C. Kwon, J. S. Lee, J. Y. Kim, H. S. Sohn, Y, J. Lee, K. H. Cha and S. W. Cheon, 'Verification and Validation Process for the Safety Software in KNICS,' The Enlarged Halden Program Group Meeting, Sand-efjord, Norway, May 9-14, 2004/ View Article
6 K. H. Cha, D. Y. Lee, J. C. Park and K. C. Kwon,'The KNICS Approach for Systemadc V&V of SafetySoftware,' 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC),Honolulu, Hawaii, March 21-25, 2004/ View Article
7 S.W. Cheon, K. C. Kwon, C. Youn, H. C. Han and D. H. Kim, 'Development of a Software Configuration Management System for Software Life Cycle Manage-ment,' in Proceedings of the NPIC&HMIT 2004, Colum-bus, Ohio, Sept. 19-22, 2004/ View Article
8 Amencan Conference of Govemmental Industrial Hygien-ists(ACGIHs), 2003 TVLs and BEIs, ACGIH, 2003/ View Article
9 Kim, W. M., Kim, J. T., Kim, J. S., Lee, J. W., A Numer-ical Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a Catenary, KSME Int. J., Vol. 17, No. 6, pp 860-869, 2003/   DOI View Article
10 V. stamatov, In sung Woo, and Sung Eul Choi, 'Effect of external radiative heating on NOx emmision from dif-fusion flames.' 2003 Australia Symposium on Com-bustion & The 8th Australia Flames Days (2003)/ View Article