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1 R. Ferber, L.R. Osterning, M.H. Woollacott, N.J. Wasielewski and J,H. Lee, 'Gait perturbation response in chronic anterior cruciate ligament deficiency and repair', Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 18, pp.132-141, 2003/ View Article
2 December 1, 2003/ View Article
3 status/status.html, December 1, 2003/ View Article
4, December 1, 2003/ View Article
5 December 1, 2003/ View Article
6 H.D. Sea, M.S. Kim, Analysis of Sleeping EEG Stage Using Wavelet and Fourier, Proc. of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, August 2003/ View Article
7 http:;/, December 1, 2003/ View Article
8, December 1, 2003/ View Article
9 S. J. Kang, K. H. Cho and Y. H. Kim, 'Knee Joint Control of New KAFO for Polio Patients Gait Improvement', Proceeding of the KSPE 2002 Spring, pp. 132-135, 2002/ View Article
10 H. Kwon, Y.H Lee and J.M. Kim, 'Source Current Reconstruction Based on MCG Singal', Progress in Superconductivity, Vol. 4, pp. 48-52, 2002/ View Article