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1 P. Zograf, A spectral proof of Rademacher's conjecture for congruence subgroups of the modular group, J. reine und angewandte Math. 414 (1991), 113-116./ View Article
2 The Bergman spaces, the Bloch space and commutators of multiplication operators/
[[S.Axler]] / null   DOI
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3 BMO in the Bergman metric on bounded symmetric domain/
[[D.Bekolle;C.A.Berger;L.A.Coburn;K.H.Zhu]] / null   DOI
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4 Hankel Forms and the Fock Space/
[[S.Janson;J.Peetre;R.Rochberg]] / null
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5 Bloch functions of several variables/
[[R.M.Timoney]] / null   DOI
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6 Duality and Hankel operators on the Bergman spaces of bounded symmetric domains/
[[K.H.Zhu]] / null
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7 Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces/
[[J.Arazy;S.D.Fisher;J.Peetre]] / null   DOI   Ndsl
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8 null/
[[W.Rudin]] / null
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9 Bloch type spaces of analytic functions/
[[K.H.Zhu]] / null   DOI
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10 Function theory on Cartan domain and the Berezin-Toeplitz symbol calculus/
[[C.A.Berger;L.A.Coburn;K.H.Zhu]] / null   DOI   Ndsl
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