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1 Recommendations for an Effective Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Program/
[[Chexal, V.K.(et al.)]] / null
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2 월성1호기 2차계통 배관 데이터 베이스 구축 및 FAC 해석 보고서/
[[윤기봉;심상훈;송정수(등)]] / null
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3 Flameless Oxidation to Reduce Thermal NO-Formation/
[[Wunning, J. A.;Wunning, J. G.]] / null   DOI   Ndsl
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4 Statistical denfinitions of non-energy use/
[[Patel, M.K.]] / null
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5 The NEAT model Non-energy use GHG Emission Accounting Tables/
[[Gielen, D.J.;Martin, M.]] / null
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6 GA/SA-based bybrid techniques for the scheduling of generator maintenance of power systems/
[[Dahal, K.P.;Burt, G.M.]] / null
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7 Unit Maintenance Scheduling in Open System Using Genetic Algorithm/
[[Yaoyu Wang]] / null
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8 Prediction of Channel and Boundary-Layer Flows with a Low Reynolds Number Turbulence Model/
[[Chien, K.Y.]] / null   DOI   Ndsl
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9 Computation of Three Dimensional Viscous Linear Cascade Flows/
[[Choi, D.;Knight, C.J.]] / null   DOI   Ndsl
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10 null/
[[Ayres Associates]] / null
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