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1 Yang, B. K., Kim, D. H., Jeong, S. C., Das, S., Choi, Y. S., Shin, J. S., Lee, S. C., ande Song, C. H. 2002. Hypoglycemic effect of a Lentinus edodes exo-polymer produced from a submerged mycelial culture. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 66(5): 707-712./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Cho, Y. J., Kim, H. A., Bang, M. A. and Kim, E. H. 2002. Effects of dietary mushroom on blood glucose levels, lipid concentrations and glutathione enzymes in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Kor. J. Nutr. 35(2): 183-191./   KOI View Article
3 Seo, S. B., Kim, J. H. , Kim, N. M. and Lee, J. S. 2002. Manufacture and physíological functionality of korean traaditional liquors by using Acasia flower, Korean J. Biotechnol, Bioeng. (in press)./ View Article
4 Kim, J. H., Lee, D. H., Choi, S. Y. and Lee, J. S. 2002. Characterization of physiological functionalities in Korean traditional liquors. Kor. J. Food Sci. Technol. 34: 118-122./   KOI View Article
5 Lee, D. H., Kim, J. H. Kim, N. M. and Lee, J. S. 2002. Manufacture and physiological functionality of Korean traditional liquors by using chamomile (Matricaria chamomile). Kor. J. Food Sci. Technol. 34: 109-113./   KOI View Article
6 신현동, 김정동. 2001. Cercospora 및 관련 속. 농업과학기술원. 302 p./ View Article
7 Shon, Y. H. and Nam, K. S. 2001. Antimutagenicity and induction of anticarcinogenic phase II enzymes by basidiomycetes J. Ethnopharmacol. 77: 103-109./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 심문수. 2001. 버섯재배의 핵심, 배지발효와 미생물. 머쉬월드. 별책1호 pp 31-36./ View Article
9 가강현. 2001. 송이의 생장 특성과 기생균에 관한 연구. 동국대학교 대학원. 박사학위논문. 105 p./ View Article
10 Cheverri, P. Samuels, G. J. and Stewart, E. L. 2001. Hypocreavirens sp. nov., the telemorph of Trichoderma virens. Mycologia, 93(1)): 1113-1124/   DOI View Article