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1 Gaarenstroom KN, Bonfrer JM, Korse CM, Kenter GG, Kenemans P. Value of Cyfra 20-1, TPA, and SCC-Ag in predicting extracervical disease and prognosis in cervical cancer. Anticancer Res 1997;17(4B):2955-2958/ View Article
2 Le QT, Eulau SM, George TI, et al. Primary radiotherapy for localized orbital MALT lymphoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;52(3):657-663/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
3 Ruo L, Guillem JG, Minsky BD, Quan SH, Paty PB, Cohen AM. Preoperative radiation with or without chemotherapy and full-thickness transanal excision for selected T2 and T3 distal rectal cancers. Int J Colorectal Dis 2002;17:54-58/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
4 Lee SW, Suh CO, Chung EJ, Kim GE. Dose optimization of fractionated external radiation and high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy for FIGO stage IB uterine cervical carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncos Biol Phys 2002;52:1338-1344/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
5 MendenhaII WM, Rout WR, Lind DS, et aI. Role of radiation therapy in the treatment of resectable rectal adenocarcinoma. J Surg Oncol 2002;79:107-117/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
6 Pearcy R, Brundage M, Drouin P, et aI. Phase III trial comparing radical radiotherapy with and without cispIatin chemotherapy in patients with advanced spuamous ceII cancer of the cervix. J CncoI 2002;20:966-972/ View Article
7 Huh SJ, Kim BK, Kang MK, et aI. Pelvic Insufficiency Fracture after Pelvic Irradiation in Uterine Cervix Cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2002;86:264-268/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Haugen H, Johansson KA, Mercke C. Hyperfractionatedaccelerated or conventionally fractionated radiotherapy for early glottic cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2002;52:109-119/   DOI   Pubmed   Ndsl View Article
9 Hinerman RW, MendenhaII WM, Amdur RJ, ViIIaret DB, Robbins KT. Early Iaryngeal cancer. Curr Treat Options Oncol 2002;3:3-9/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 Ju SG, Ahn YC, Huh SJ, Yeo IJ. Film dosimetry for intensity moduIated radiation therapy : dosimetric evaluation. Med Phys 2002;29(3):351-355/   DOI   Ndsl View Article