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1 Kim JS (2021) The effect of using artificial lights on the growth and quality of hydroponic cultivated barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) sprouts. J Plant Biotechnol 48(1):62-70/   DOI View Article
2 Lee SW, Lee SJ, Han EH, Shin YW, Kim YH (2021) Development of molecular marker for the differentiation of Angelica gigas Jiri line by using ARMS-PCR analysis. J Plant Biotechnol 48:26-33/   DOI View Article
3 Kim J, Shin WR, Kim YH, Shim D, Ryu H (2021) Functional characterization of gibberellin signaling related genes in Panax ginseng. J Plant Biotech 48(3):148-155/   DOI View Article
4 Kim JS. (2021). Effects of nutrient solution and artificial light on the growth and physicochemical properties of hydroponically cultivated barley. J Plant Biotechnol 48:77-85/   DOI View Article
5 Lee SW, Lee SJ, Han EH, Shin YW, Kim YH (2021a) Development of molecular markes for the differentiation of Angelica gigas Jiri line by using ARMS-PCR analysis. J Plant Biotechnol 48:26-33/   DOI View Article
6 Lee SW, Lee SJ, Han EH, Shin YW, Kim YH (2021b) Development of specific ploymorphism molecular markes for Angelica gigas Nakai. J Plant Biotechnol 48:71-76/   DOI View Article
7 Lee JH, An MH, Lee SH, Chang YH. 2021. Implications of access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources for researchers. J. Plant Biotechnol. 48: 1-11./   DOI View Article
8 Lee, J.H., M.H. An, S.H. Lee and Y.H. Chang(2021) Implications of access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources for researchers. J Plant Biotechnol 48: 1-11. (in Korean with English abstract)/   DOI View Article
9 Kim JS (2021) The effect of artificaial lights on the growth and quality of hydroponic cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) sprouts. J Plant Biotechnol 48: 62-70. doi: 10.5010/JPB.2021.48.1.062/   DOI View Article
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