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1 Chon, J. W., Seo, K. H., Bae, D., Jeong, D. and Song, K. Y. 2020. Status and prospect of lactic acid bacteria with antibiotic resistance. J. Dairy Sci. Biotechnol. 38, 70-88./   DOI View Article
2 Yun Jh, Seol KH, Yoo J, Oh MH, Ham JS. 2020. Usability and preventive effect of milk & milk products- and milk-derived isolates for dementia and age-related cognitive impairment: A review. J. Diary Sci. Biotechnol., 38(1):27-36./   DOI View Article
3 Chon JW, Seo KH, Oh H, Jeong D, Song KY. Chemical and organoleptic properties of some dairy products supplemented with various concentration of propolis: a preliminary study. J Dairy Sci Biotechnol. 2020;38:59-69./   DOI View Article
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