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1 Bahk YY, Jun H, Park SH, Jung H, Jegal S, Kim JMD, et al. Surveillance of chigger mite vectors for tsutsugamushi disease in the Hwaseong Area, Gyeonggi-do, republic of Korea, 2015. Kor J Parasitol. 2020;58:301-308.   DOI View Article
2 Chang T, Jung BK, Sohn WM, Hong S, Shin H, Ryoo S, Lee J, Lee KH, Khieu V, Huy Rekol, Chai JY. Molecular diagnosis of Taenia saginata tapeworms from two residents of Northern Cambodia. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 201-204.   DOI View Article
3 Chai JY, Sohn WM, Hong SJ, Jung BK, Hong S, Cho S, Park JB, Kim IS, Kim S, Lee KH, Jeoung HG, Htoon TT, Tin HH. Effect of mass drug administration with a single dose of albendazole on Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection among schoolchildren in Yangon region, Myanmar. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 195-200.   DOI View Article
4 Chai JY, Jung BK, Lee KH, Ryu JY, Kim HS, Hong SJ, Htoon TT, Tin HH, Na BK, Sohn WM. Larval gnathostomes and spargana in Chinese edible frogs, Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, from Myanmar: potential risk of human infection. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 467-473.   DOI View Article
5 Cho J, Jung BK, Chang T, Sohn WM, Sinuon M, Chai JY. Echinostoma mekongi n. sp. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) from riparian people along the Mekong River in Cambodia. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 431-443./   DOI View Article
6 Chai JY, Cho J, Chang T, Jung BK, Sohn WM. Taxonomy of Echinostoma revolutum and 37-collar-spined Echinostoma spp.: a historical review. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 343-371./   DOI View Article
7 Chai JY, Jung BK, Chang T, Shin H, Sohn WM, Eom KS, Yong TS, Min DY, Phommasack B, Insisiengmay B, Rim HJ. Echinostoma aegyptica (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) infection in five riparian people in Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR. Korean J Parasitol 2020; 58: 67-72./   DOI View Article
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