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1 Lee EB, Kim MM. Effect of Ethanolic Extracts Mixed with Grains and Fallopia multiflora on Melanogenesis, Journal of Life Science 2019;29(4):461-9./   DOI View Article
2 Son J, Kim J, Kim H, Seo Y (2019) Anti-invasion effects of Calystegia soldanella solvent extracts and partitioned fractions on PMA-stimulated fibrosarcoma cells. J Life Sci 29:287-294/   DOI View Article
3 Hjlee, "Inhibitory Effect of Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis Ethanol Extract on Neuroinflammation in LPS-stimulated BV-2 Microglia", Journal of Life Science, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp 1096-1103, Oct. 2019, DOI:   DOI View Article
4 Lee E.J., Seo Y.M., Kim Y.H., Chung C., Sung H.J., Sohn H.Y., Park J.Y. and Kim J.S. 2019. Anti-inflammatory Activities of Ethanol Extracts from Leaf, Seed, and Seedpod of Nelumbo nucifera. J. Life Sci.. 29(4), 436-441./   DOI View Article
5 Jung K.I., Kim B.K., Kang J.H., Oh G.H., Kim I.K. and Kim M. 2019. Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Water and the Fermentation Liquid of Sea Tangle (Saccharina japonica). J. Life Sci.. 29(5), 596-606./   DOI View Article
6 Lee, J. Y., Park T. H., Park, S. H., Yang, S. A. and Jhee, K. H. 2019. The antimicrobial activity of fermented extracts from Korean Dendropanax morbifera. J. Life Sci. 29, 29-36./   DOI View Article
7 Kim, B. H., Jang, J. O., Lee, J. H., Park, Y., Kim, J. G., Yoon, Y. C., Jeong, S. J., Kwon, G. S. and Lee, J. B. 2019. Increased anti-oxidative activity and whitening effect of fermented Saposhnikovia extract by bioconversion using Lactobacillus plantarum BHN-LAB 33. J. Life Sci. in press./ View Article
8 Kim, Y. H. 2019. Construction of yeast strain suitable for bioethanol production by using fusion method. J. Life Sci. 29, 376-381./   DOI View Article
9 Lee, E. J., Seo, Y. M., Kim, Y. H. Chung, C. W., Sung, H. J., Sohn, H. Y., Park, J. Y. and Kim, J. S. 2019. Anti-inflammatory activities of ethanol extracts from leaf, seed, and seedpod of Nelumbo nucifera. J. Life Sci. 29, 436-441./   DOI View Article
10 Kwon, D. H., Choi, Y. H., Kim, B. W. and Hwang, H. J. 2019. Effects of Ethanol Extract of Sargassum horneri on Adipocyte Differentiation and Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes. J. Life Sci. 29, 209-214./   DOI View Article
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