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1 강경수, 김홍진, 황재승, 독립성분분석법을 이용한 병진-비틀림 연계된 구조물의 모드분리 및 응답기반 시스템식별, 대한건축학회논문집(구조계), v.28, n.02 (2012-02)/ View Article
2 Ji, S, Hyun C,. (2012) "Development of Schedule Estimating Method for Structure Frame Works based on Space Breakdown Structure and Productivity Analysis in Public Multi-Housing Projects." Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, v.28, n. 02, pp. 95-104/   KOI View Article
3 Shin, D.-P., C.-B. Son, D.-E. Lee, 2012, Association analysis od construction accident attributes causing fatalities, Division of structures of Architectural Institute of Korea 28(2): 87-94./ View Article
4 노승준 외 6인, 목적지향형 건축물 전과정 CO2 평가 프로그램(LOCAS) 개발, 대한건축학회 논문집, 제28권 1호, 2012.01/ View Article
5 박정대외 1인 "한옥목구조의 BIM 라이브러리 분류체계에 관 연구" 대한건축학회논문집 구조계 제28권 제5호 2012.05/ View Article
6 Kang SP, Lee J, Hong SJ. Fire Resistance Performance of High Strength Concrete Columns with Fireproof Mortars Using Cement and Gypsum. Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea. 2012 January ;28(1):93-100./   KOI View Article
7 Park Jung-Dae, Kim Jae-Jeol, 2012, A Study on the categorization system of the BIM-Library for wooden structure of the Korean traditional buildings, Architectural Institute of Korea, Vol 28, No 5, pp.119-126./   KOI View Article
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