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1 Ho Ji etc., 2014, "Conditions of Desalination with Reduced Pressure Evaporation Device", Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 8-12./   KOI   DOI View Article
2 Kim, E.C., Choi, H.J. and Lee, S.G., 2014, A Study on the Simplified Prediction Method of Air Resistance for Towing Force Calculation of Disabled Ships, Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy, Vol.17 No.3 (Korean)/   KOI   DOI View Article
3 Kwon, J.N., Lim, J.H., Shim, J., Lee, J. and Choi, T.J., 2014, "The Long-Term Variations of Water Quality in Masan Bay, South Sea of Korea", J. of the Korean Soc. for Mar. Environ. and Energy, Vol. 17, No. 3, 212-223./   KOI   DOI View Article
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