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1 Jun, H.J., M.S. Byun, S.S. Liu, and M.S. Jang. 2011. Effect of nutrient solution strength on pH of drainage solution and root activity of strawberry 'Sulhyang' in hydroponics. Kor. J. Hort. Technol. 29:23-28./ View Article
2 Chung, H., J.H. Mun, S.C. Lee, and H.J. Yu. 2011. Pickprimer: A graphic user interface program for primer design on the gene target region. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 29:461-466./ View Article
3 Chung, Y.M., J.C. Hwang, Y.D. Chin, S.K. Kim, C.W. Roh, Y.B. Yi, and O.C. Kwon. 2011. A new single mini-gerbera 'Sun Cap' with bi-color for cut flower. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 29:77-80./ View Article
4 Park, J.S., M.Y. Chung, and C.K. Kim. 2011. Breeding of a new bright yellow gerbera 'Sunmyo' with high yield for cut flower. Kor. J. Hort. Sci. Technol. 29:156-159./ View Article
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