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1 An Experimental Study on the Efficiency of Ventilation of Korean-Paper (Hanji)/
[[Kim,H.]] / null   KOI
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2 Prediction and experiment of pressure drop of R22, R407C and R410A on design conditions of condenser/
[[Kim,C.D.;Park,I.H.;Lee,J.]] / null   KOI
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3 Verification experiment and analysis for 6kW solar water heating system(Part 2 : modelling and simulation)/
[[Choi,B.S.;Kim,J.H.;Kang,Y.T.;Hong,H.]] / null   KOI
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4 A study on the performance of thermoelectric module and thermoelectric cooling system/
[[Yoo,S.Y.;Hong,C.P.;Shim,W.S.]] / null   KOI
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5 Theoretical analysis on the heat and mass transfer in a sorption cool pad/
[[Hwang, Y.S.;Lee, D.Y.;Park, B.]] / null
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