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1 Jin, H., Kim, I., Eun, J., Ryu, B.H. and Lee, J. (2021b), "Assessment of the correlation between segregation potential and hydraulic conductivity with fines fraction", J. Korean Geotech. Soc., 37(12), 47-56.   DOI View Article
2 Jin, H., Kim, I., Eun, J., Ryu, B.H. and Lee, J. (2021a), "Assessment of the correlation between Segregation Potential and hydraulic conductivity with fines fraction", J. Korean Geotech. Soc., 37(12), 47-56.   DOI View Article
3 Yun, J.W., Han, J.T. and Kim, J.K. (2021), "Evaluation of seismic performance of Pile-supported wharves installed in saturated sand through response spectrum analysis and dynamic centrifuge model test", J. Korean Geotech. Soc., 37(12), 71-87. (in Korean)   DOI View Article
4 Lee S.H., S.H. Baek, C.K. Chung, and T.Y. Kwak 2021, Estimation of shear wave velocity of weathered granite layer using nonlinear multiple regression analysis: A case study in South Korea. J Korean Geotech Soc 37:29-37. (in Korean) doi:10.7843/kgs.2021.37.6.29/   DOI View Article
5 김창수(2021), 항만이 인근지역 생활여건에 미친 영향 분석, 항만경제학회지, 제37권 제4호, 71-87./ View Article
6 Jin, H. W., Lee, J. G., Ryu, B. H., Shin, H. S. and Kim, Y. J. (2021), The experimental assessment of influence factors on KLS-1 microwave sintering. Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 5-17./   DOI View Article
7 Han, S. M., Lee, D. H., and Lee, S. H. (2021), Safety Effect Evaluation of Existing Metro Tunnel by Deep Urban Tunnelling, Journal of The Korean Geotechnical Society, 37(9), 37-50./   DOI View Article
8 Jin, H., Lee, J., Ryu, B.H., Shin, H.S., and Kim, Y.J. (2021), "The Experimental Assessment of Influence Factors on KLS-1 Microwave Sintering", J. Korean Geotech. Soc., Vol.37, No.2, pp.5-17./   DOI View Article
9 Jin, H., Lee, J., Ryu, B. H., Shin, H.-S., and Kim, Y.-J. (2021), "The Experimental Assessment of Influence Factors on KLS-1 Microwave Sintering", Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol.37, No.2, pp.5-17./   DOI View Article
10 Han, S.M., Lee, D.H., and Lee, S.H. (2021), Safety Effect Evaluation of Existing Metro Tunnel by Deep Urban Tunnelling, J. of the Korean Geotechnical Society, Vol.37, No.9, pp.37-50./   DOI View Article
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