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1 Kang HJ, Kim TW, Jhoo JW, Kim GY. Anti-inflammatory effects of fermented milk supplemented with heat-killed Enterococcus faecalis EF-2001 probiotics. J Dairy Sci Biotechnol. 2020;38:112-120./   DOI View Article
2 Chon JW, Seo KH, Bae D, Kim B, Jeong D, Song KY. Antibacterial activity of clove oil against foodborne pathogenic bacteria and sensory attributes in clove oil-enriched dairy products: a preliminary study. J Dairy Sci Biotechnol. 2020;38:197-206./   DOI View Article
3 Chon JW, Seo KH, Bae D, Kim B, Jeong D, Song KY. Antibacterial activity of clove oil against foodborne pathogenic bacteria and sensory attributes in clove oil-enriched dairy products: a preliminary study. J Dairy Sci Biotechnol. 2020;38:197-206./   DOI View Article
4 Choi JW, Yoon HS, Park SM, Hong CE, Kim JH, Kim JY, et al. Effect of casein phosphopeptides on In vitro solubilization of calcium in fortified cheese pizza. J Dairy Sci Biotechnol. 2020;38:161-167./   DOI View Article
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