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1 Shin WY, Seo GS, Song JH, Baek CH. The retrospective analysis on obese and overweight female patients with Korean medical treatment and its effectiveness for clinical setting of seasonal treatment. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2017 ; 17(1) : 10-19./   DOI View Article
2 Kang EY, Park YB, Kim MY, Park YJ. A study on factors associated with weight loss by "Gamitaeeumjowee- Tang." J Korean Med Obes Res. 2017 ; 17(2) : 68-76./   DOI View Article
3 Shin SU, Kim DH. A case report on enhanced lipid metabolism by soluble dietary fiber supplementation during the Gamrosu modified fasting therapy period. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2017 ; 17(2) : 140-4./   DOI View Article
4 Shin SU, Kim DH. A case report on enhanced lipid metabolism by soluble dietary fiber supplementation during the gamrosu modified fasting therapy period. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2017 ; 17(2) : 140-4./   DOI View Article
5 Park SA, Lee HJ, Baek JY, Son KW, Lim KT. The effects of Ganoderma Lucidum pharmacopuncture and moxibustion (Wang-tteum) on abdominal obesity: case report. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(1) : 64-9./   DOI View Article
6 Yoo JE. The effects of wild ginseng complex pharmacopuncture combined with hyperthermia on abdominal obesity in post-menopause women: case report. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(2) : 133-7./   DOI View Article
7 Jeong YE, Kim JD, Kang SB, Kim SM. A case report of patient with acute alcoholic hepatitis and renal dysfunction. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(2) : 138-43./   DOI View Article
8 Lee EJ. The changes of body compositions after modified fasting therapy: a retrospective observational study. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(2) : 116-23./   DOI View Article
9 Park WH, Cha YY. Review of clinical study on fasting for obesity: focused on korean medicine research. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(1) : 50-63./   DOI View Article
10 Shin SU, Kim DH, Shin HT, Oh DS. Clinical outcomes after modified fasting therapy supplied with gamrosu: a retrospective observational study. J Korean Med Obes Res. 2016 ; 16(1) : 36-49./   DOI View Article
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