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1 Han MS, Han IH, Lee D, An JM, Kim SN, Shin MS, Yamabe N, Hwang GS, Yoo HH, Choi SJ, et al. Beneficial effects of fermented black ginseng and its ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 against cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in LLC-PK1 cells. J Ginseng Res 2017;42(2):135-40./ View Article
2 Hong, M.; Lee, Y. H.; Kim, S.; Suk, K. T.; Bang, C. S.; Yoon, J. H.; Baik, G. H.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, M. J. J. Ginseng Res. 2016, 40, 203./   DOI View Article
3 J. G. Park, Y. J. Son, A. Aravinthan, J. H. Kim, and J. Y. Cho, J. Ginseng Res., 40(4), 431-436 (2016)./   DOI View Article
4 M. Hong, Y. H. Lee, S. Kim, C. S. Bang, J. H. Yoon, G. H. Baik, D. J. Kim, and M. J. Kim. J. Ginseng Res., 40(3), 203-210 (2016)./   DOI View Article
5 Kim, J. H., Kim, M. K., Wang, Hongtao, Lee, H. N., Jin, C. G., Kwon, W. S., Yang, D. C.. "Discrimination of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) cultivar Chunpoong and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) using auxin repressed protein gene", J. Ginseng Res., Vol. 40, pp. 395-399, 2016./   DOI View Article
6 Lee JW, Mo EJ, Choi JE, Jo YH, Jang H, Jeong JY, Jin Q, Chung HN, Hwang BY, Lee MK. Effect of Korean red ginseng extraction conditions on antioxidant activity, extraction yield, and ginsenoside Rg1 and phenolic content: Optimization using response surface methodology. J. Ginseng Res. 40: 229-236 (2016)/   DOI View Article
7 Chung IM, Lim JJ, Ahn MS, Jeong HN, An TJ, Kim SH. Comparative phenolic compound profiles and antioxidative activity of the fruit, leaves, and roots of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) according to cultivation years. J. Ginseng Res. 40: 68-75 (2016)/   DOI View Article
8 Kim, Y. S., B. Kotnala, Y. H. Kim and Y. Jeon (2016) Biological characteristics of Paenibacillus polymyxa GBR-1 involved in root rot of stored Korean ginseng. J. Ginseng Res. 40:453-461./   DOI View Article
9 Upadhyaya J, Kim MJ, Kim YH, Ko SR, Park HW, Kim MK. 2016. Enzymatic formation of compound-K from ginsenoside Rb1 by enzyme preparation from cultured mycelia of Armillaria mellea. J. Ginseng Res. 40: 105-112./   DOI View Article
10 Park JG, Son YJ, Aravinthan A, Kim JH, Cho JY. Korean Red Ginseng water extract arrests growth of xenografted lymphoma cells. J Ginseng Res. 2016;40:431-436./   DOI View Article