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1 Choi JS, Lee IH, Cho YG, Jung YJ, Kang KK (2016) Overexpression of NtROS2a gene encoding cytosine DNA demethylation enhances drought tolerance in transgenic rice. J Plant Biotechnol 43:376-382/   DOI View Article
2 Jo IH, Bang KH, Hong CE, Kim JU, Lee JW, Kim DH, Hyun DY, Ryu H, Kim YC (2016) Analysis of the chloroplast genome and SNP detection in a salt tolerant breeding line in Korean ginseng. J Plant Biotechnol 434:417-21/ View Article
3 Kim H, Moon S, Bae W, Won K, Kim YK, Kang KK, Ryu H (2016) Massive identification of key genes involved in pathogen defense and multi-stress tolerance by using microarray and Network analysis. J. Plant Biotech. 43:347-358/   DOI View Article
4 Lee NN, Kim JA, Kim YW, Choi YE, Moon HK (2015) Effect of explant’s position and culture method on shoot proliferation and micro-cuttings for a rare and endangered species, Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai. J Plant Biotech 42:228-234/   DOI View Article
5 Seol MA, Lee JR, Choi WK, Jo BH, Moon JC, Shin SY, Eum SJ, Kim IR, Song HR (2015) Establishment of detection methods for approved LMO in Korea. J Plant Biotechnol. 42:196-203/   DOI View Article
6 Park MS, Choi PS (2015) Plant regeneration from hypocotyl explants of Astragalus sinicus L. J Plant Biotechnol 42:396-400/   DOI View Article
7 Seo MS, Sohn SH, Park BS, Ko HC, Jin M (2014) Efficiency of microspore embryogenesis in Brassica rapa using different genotypes and culture conditions. J Plant Biotechnol 41:116-122/   DOI View Article
8 Seo MS, Sohn SH, Park BS, Ko HC, Jin MN (2014) Efficiency of microspore embryogenesis in Brassica rapa using different genotypes and culture conditions. J Plant Biotechnol 41: 116-122/   DOI View Article
9 Roh HS and Kim JB (2014) Effects of osmoticum treatments and shooting chances on the improvement of particle gun-mediated transformation in Phalaenopsis. J Plant Biotechnol 41:216-222/   DOI View Article
10 Han EH, Son YW, Kim MB, Shin YW, Cho YS, Lee SW (2014) Establishment of tissue culture and acclimation of white ballon flower (Platycodon grandiflorum DC. cv. Jangback) for the eaising of in vitro propagated seedlings. J Plant Biotechnol. 41:134-139/   DOI View Article
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