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1 Gould, A. 2015, WFIRST Ultra-Precise Astrometry I: Kuiper Belt Objects, JKAS, 48, 93/ View Article
2 Gould, A., Huber, D., Penny, M., & Stello, D. 2015 WFIRST Ultra-Precise Astrometry II: Asteroseismology JKAS, 47, 279/ View Article
3 Choi, N., Park, W.-K., Lee, H.-I., et al. 2015, A New AutoGuiding System for CQUEAN, JKAS, 48, 177/ View Article
4 Im, M., Choi, C., & Kim, K. 2015, Lee Sang Gak Telescope (LSGT): A Remotely Operated Robotic Telescope for Education and Research at Seoul National University, JKAS, 48, 207/ View Article
5 Kang, H. 2015b, Radio Emission from Weak Spherical Shocks in the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters, JKAS, 48, 155/ View Article
6 Kang, H. 2015a, Nonthermal Radiation from Relativistic Electrons Accelerated at Spherically Expanding shocks, JKAS, 48, 9/ View Article
7 Algaba, J.-C., Zhao, G.-Y., Lee, S.-S., et al. 2015, Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-Ray Bright Active Galactic Nuclei II: Frequency Phase Transfer, JKAS, 48, 237/ View Article
8 Lee, S.-S., Byun, D.-Y., Oh, C. S., et al. 2015, A New Hardware Correlator in Korea: Performance Evaluation Using KVN Observations, JKAS, 48, 229/ View Article
9 Gould, A., Huber, D., Penny, M., & Stello, D. 2015, WFIRST Ultra-Precise Astrometry II: Asteroseismology, JKAS, 48, 93/ View Article
10 Kang, H. 2015a, Nonthermal Radiation from Relativistic Electrons Accelerated at Spherically Expanding Shocks, JKAS, 48, 9/ View Article
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