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1 Kim, S.T., J.S. Yoo, S.Y. Lee, J.H. Lee, Y.G. Choi and J.W. Lim. 2014. Description of One New and One Unrecorded Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Korea. J. For. Environ. Sci. 30(4):378-382./   DOI View Article
2 Chung, S.H., Hwang, K.M., Lim, S.M., and Kim, J.H. 2014. A Review of Forest Development Patten by the Length of Protection Period in Ganwondo Baekdudaegan Mountains. Journal of Forest Science 30(1): 133-144./ View Article
3 Son, H.J., Y.S. Kim, N.Y. Kim, H.B. Lee and W.G. Park (2014) A consideration of the possibility of planting Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa on the east sea area in Gangwon-Province by tree ring dating and climatic factor analysis. Journal of Forest Science 30(1): 36-44. (in Korean with English abstract)/ View Article
4 Lee DS, Choi JK, Seo YW, Kim EG. 2014. Nonlinear height-DBH growth models for Larix kaempferi in Gangwon and North Gyeongsang province. J For Env Sci 30: 201-207./ View Article
5 Chun, K.W., Kwon, S.M., Seo, J.I., Cho, H.H., Kim, S.W., and Lee, D.K. (2013), "Rainfall Intensity Regulating Surface Erosion and Its Contribution to Sediment Yield on the Hillslope Devastated by a Shallow Landslide", Journal of Forest Science, Vol.29, No.4, pp.314-323. (in Korea)/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
6 Kim, J.H., Hwang, K.M., and Kim, S.M. 2013. The Evaluation of Correlation between Disturbance Intensity and Stand Development by Natural Forest Community Types Classification. Journal of Forest Science 29(3): 219-225./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 Kim, J.H., Hwang, K.M., and Kim, S.M. 2013. The evaluation of correlation between disturbance intensity and stand development by natural forest community type classification. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 29: 219-225./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Kim, J.H., Chung, S.H., and Lee, J.M. 2012. The Development of Climax Index by Analysis of Eco-morphological Characters for Major Decioduous Tree Species. The Journal of Forest Science 28(4): 199-204./   DOI View Article
9 Lee, W.A., J.W. Shin, J.K. Choi, W.K. Lee, Y.J. Lee, S.H. Kim and D.J. Jung(2011) Diameter Growth Analysis for Major Species using National Forest Resource Inventory - In the Gangwon-do Forests -. Journal of Korean Forest Society 27(2): 113-139. (in Korean with English abstract)/ View Article
10 Gairola S, Sharma CM, Suyal S, Ghildiyal SK. 2011. Species composition and diversity in mid-altitudinal moist temperate forests of the Western Himalaya. J For Sci 27: 1-15./ View Article
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