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1 Cho, S. A.; Sung, A. Y. J. Korean Oph. Opt. Soc. 2014, 19, 315./   DOI View Article
2 No. J. W.; Sung, A. Y. J. Korean Oph. Opt. Soc. 2014, 19, 69./   DOI View Article
3 Ryu NY, Kim SR, Park MJ. Correlations between Higher-order Aberrations and Myopic Degree. J Korean Opt Soc. 2014; 19(2):199-207./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
4 Lee SH, Yu DS, Son JS et al. Comparison between stimulus and response AC/A ratios for each phoria with additional spherical power. J Korean Oph Opt Soc, 2014;19(3):345-351./   DOI View Article
5 Lee WS, Ye KH, Shin BJ. A study on the progression and prevalence of myopia according to age for the last five years: from 2008 to 2012. J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(1)121-133./   DOI View Article
6 Kim CJ, Choi SW, Yang SJ, Oh SY, Choi EJ. Evaluation of blue-light blocking ratio and luminous transmittance of blue-light blocking lens based on international standard. J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(2):135-143./   DOI View Article
7 Kwon OJ, Jeon CJ. Distribution of Glutamate Receptors in the Retina of the Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(3):413-418./   DOI View Article
8 Kim YC. Shim HS, Kim SH. The comparative assessment of the KVA and dynamic stereoacuity. J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(4):519-525./   DOI View Article
9 Kim CJ, Choi EJ. Effects of Induced dioptric blur on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. J Korean Ophthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(2):261-270./   DOI View Article
10 Lee SH, Yu DS, Son JS, Kwak HW. Comparison between stimulus and response AC/A ratios for each phoria additional spherical power. J Korean Opthalmic Opt Soc. 2014;19(3):345-351./   DOI View Article