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1 So, H., Lee, K. Park, Y. Park, J. and Song, K., "Performance Analysis of Pseudolite Tropospheric Delay Models Using Radiosonde Meteorological Data," Journal of the Korean GNSS Sociery(JKGS) 2(1), pp.49-57, 2013/   DOI View Article
2 Kim, H. S., Choi, K. H., Lee, J. Y., Lim, J. H., Chen S. B., et al. 2013, Relative Positioning of Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Materials Using Real-Time Kinematic GPS, JKGS, 2, 23-31. JKGS.2013.2.1.019/   KOI   DOI View Article
3 Rhee, J. H. & Seo, J. 2013, eLoran Signal Strength and Atmospheric Noise Simulation over Korea, JKGS, 2, 101- 108.   DOI   Ndsl View Article
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