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1 김태영, 진세준, 박세헌, 표희동, 해양바이오에너지 개발사업의 경제적 파급효과, 에너지공학, 제22권, 184-196, 2013./ View Article
2 임슬예, 송태호, 유승훈, 에너지원별 가격조정의 물가파급효과 분석, 에너지공학, 제22권, 376-385, 2013./ View Article
3 김용규, 송명호, 유완, 한국표준형원전 증기발생기 전열관 확관부위의 응력해석, 에너지공학, 제22권 제2호, 2013, 1-8/ View Article
4 임슬예, 임경민, 유승훈. 횡단면 자료를 이용한 주택용 전력의 수요함수 추정, 2013, 에너지공학, 22(1), pp1-7./   KOI View Article
5 Chung, H. K., Chung, K. S., Lee, Y. J., Sin, S. C., Kim, Y. I., 2012, A study on analysis method for performance evaluation of double-leaf facade of office building, The Korea Socity for Energy Engineering, 21(2), 168-178./   KOI   DOI View Article
6 S.R., Lee and S.H., Hwang, "An Experimental Study on the Estimation of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of LNG Storage Tanks", Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol.21, No.2, pp.118-23, (2012)/   KOI   DOI View Article
7 B.J. Chung and K.G. Ko, "Aging of Korean Nuclear Manpower and Implications of Manpower Policy: Statistical Analysis on Nuclear Organizations", Journal of Energy Engineering, 21(1), 1-17 (2012)./   KOI   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Kang, M.S., D.S. Kim, Y.J. Jeon, and Y.E. Shin. 2012. The Study on Thermal Shock Test Characteristics of Solar Cell for Long-term Reliability Test. Journal of Energy Engineering. 21(1):26-32 (in Korean)./   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 Kim, D.W., Kim, Y.I., Chung, K.S. (2012), A Study on Effective Green Technology in Relation to the Energy Performance Improvement of Existing Architectural Structures, Jornal of Energy Engineering Vol. 21, No 3, pp. 272-280/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 김재형, 전혜연, 이준철, 박대원, "전기분해를 이용한 하수슬러지 가용화 연구", 에너지공학, 21(2), 194-201, 2012/ View Article