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Jeon, S. W.․Kim, J. U. and Jung, H. C. 2013. A Study on the Forest Classification for Ecosystem Services Valuation - Focused on Forest Type Map and Landcover Map. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 16(3): 31-39 (in Korean with English summary)./
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Seo JY..Park KH. and You JH. 2013. The characteristics of flora and vegetation in Hwang River, Gyeongsangnam-do. J. Korean Env. Res. Tech. 16(1): 27-53. (in Korean with English summary)/
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Oh Hyun Kyung․Kim DP.․Oh KK.․Kang KR. and Jung Nam Bae. 2013. Management Methods and Vascular Plants of the Ohseosan and the Bongsusan, Chungnam. J. Korean Env. Res. Tech. 16(3): 63-81. (in Korean with English summary)/
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Kim, S. R.․J. H. Lee․J. Y. Song․M. H. Chang․ H. C. Sung and D. G. Cho. 2013. A Study on the Habitat Restoration Model for Chinemys reevesii. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 16(2): 115-125. (in Korean with English summary)/
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Koo MH.Lee DK and Jung TY. 2013. A Study on the Contexts of Ecosystem Services in the Policymaking Process. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, 15(5): 85-102. (in Korean)/
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Jin YH.Li L.Moon SK and Koo BH. 2013. Functional Assessment of Jilnalnup Wetland by HGM. Journal of The Korea Society For Environmental Restoration And Revegetation Technology 16(2): 13-22./
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Byun, S. S. and Lee, S. H. 2012. A Study on the Management and Improvement of Purchased Land in the Youngsan․Seomjin-River Riparian Area: Focusing on the Suncheon City Region. Journal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 15(6): 69-77. (in Korean with English summary)/
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Lee, S. H.․Jung, H. C. and Choi, J. Y. 2012b. Projecting Climate Change Impact on the Potential Distribution of Endemic Plants (Megaleranthis saniculifolia) in Korea. ournal of the Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 15(3): 75-84. (in Korean with English summary)/
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Jeong, Hyu Jin․Cho, Eun A․Ko, Hyeon Seo and Jang, Gab Sue. 2012. A Research on the Reproductive Properties of Great Tits in the Urban Forests. The Korea Society For Environmental Restoration And Revegetation Technology 15(5): 155-163./
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Kang, H. K.․H. S. Song․Y. H. Cho․B. J. Park․ W. T. Kim․K. J. Shin․Y. J. Eo․T. S. Yoon․ K. E. Jang and M. Y. Kwak. 2012. Comparison of vegetation between cutting slope revegetation area and adjacent nature area in Korea. J. Korean Env. Res. Tech. 15(6): 79-89. (in Korean with English abstract)/