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1 노지현. "한국 도서관계의 다문화서비스 방향 모색: 미국 공공도서관의 사례를 참고하여." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2013), pp.5-27. (Rho, Jee-Hyun. "Toward the Multicultural Library Services in Korea : with reference to the American Public Libraries." Journal of Korean library and information science society, Vol.43, No.2(2009), pp.5-27.)/ View Article
2 김갑선. "사서의 직업사회화 과정: 질적 다방법연구." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2012. 6), pp.157-178.(Kim, Kapseon. "Occupational Socialization Process of Librarians : A Qualitative Multimethod Study." Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.2(Jun. 2012), pp.157-178.)/ View Article
3 김성준. "한국학교도서관협의회의 전략계획 수립에 관한 연구." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2012. 6), pp.203-225.(Kim, Sung-Jun. "A Study on the Strategic Plan of Korea School Library Association." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.2(Jun. 2012), pp.203-225.)/ View Article
4 이종문. "학습만화에 대한 초등학생과 학부모의 인식 분석 연구." 한국도서관․정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2012. 6), p.227-246. Lee, Jong-Moon. "An Analysis on the Perception of Students and Parents to Comics for Learning in Elementary Schools." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.2(2012), pp.227-246./ View Article
5 최재황, 차성종. "전국 공공도서관의 운영평가 분석에 관한 연구." 한국도서관정보학회지, 제43권, 제1호(2012), pp.173-200. Choi, Jae Hwang and Sung-Jong Cha. "Analysis of 2011 Korean Public Libraries' Management Evaluation." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.1(2012). pp.173-200./ View Article
6 이혜영. "대학도서관의 OPAC 2.0 서비스에 대한 이용자 인식조사." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2012. 6), pp.179-201. (Rhee, Heyyoung. "A Survey of User Perceptions of OPAC 2.0 Service in Academic Library." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society. Vol.43, No.2 (June 2012), pp.179-201.)/ View Article
7 윤희윤. "공공도서관의 지식정보 취약계층서비스 전략." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제2호(2012), pp.53-75.(Yoon, Hee-Yoon. "Strategies of the Knowledge and Information Services for Vulnerable Classes in Public Libraries." Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.2(2012), pp.53-75.)/ View Article
8 이경호. "RDA에 나타난 이용자 과업에 대한 연구." 한국도서관.정보학회지, 제43권, 제1호(2012), pp.99-122. (Lee, Kyung-Ho. "A Study on the User Task in Resource Description & Access." Journal of Korea Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43, No.1(2012), pp.99-122.)/ View Article
9 윤희윤. "공공도서관의 지식정보 취약계층서비스 전략." 한국도서관.정보학회지, Vol.43, No.2(2012), pp.53-75. (Yoon, Hee-Yoon. "Strategies of the Knowledge and Information Services for Vulnerable Classes in Public Libraries." Journal of Korea Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43 No.2(2012), pp.53-75.)/ View Article
10 윤희윤. "공공도서관의 지식정보 취약계층서비스 전략." 한국도서관.정보학회지, Vol.43, No.2(2012), pp.53-75. (Yoon, Hee-Yoon. "Strategies of the Knowledge and Information Services for Vulnerable Classes in Public Libraries." Journal of Korea Library and Information Science Society, Vol.43 No.2(2012), pp.53-75.)/ View Article