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Jeon, S-S., Kim, S-K., & Jeon, G-Y. (2011). The Effect of Relationship Variables between Mother-in-Law and Son-in-Law on Son-in-Law's Relation- Satisfaction and Negative Perception. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 49(7), 123-133./
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Kim, G-H. (2011). The effects of employed an unemployed mother's parenting efficacy and parental role satisfaction on life-satisfaction. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 49(5), 49-57./
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Lee, S-M., & Kim, S-M. (2011). A Basic Study on Public Nanny Service Characteristics and Improvement Strategies. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 49(4), 51-65./
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Hwang, Y. M., & Moon, H. J. (2010). The effects of young children and their mother's variables on peer acceptance of the children. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 48(6), 17-30./
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Kim, S-Y. (2010). Characteristics and styles of wearing scarves in the contemporary fashion. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 48(6), 31-41./
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Lee, S., & Ji, S-R. (2010). The effects of personal and family variables on the school adjustment of children in divorced families. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 48(15), 119- 128./
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Lee, S-J. (2010b). Patterns of income and household expenses arrangements and determinants within dual-income families. Journal of Korean Home Economics Association, 48(10), 51-64./
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Chin, M. J., & Lee, Y. J. (2010). Young children's time-use according to employment status of mothers. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 48(6), 43-56./
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Park, M-K., & Moon, H-J. (2009). Emotional Intelligence, Social Competence and School Life Satisfaction Among Institutionalized and Home Reared Children. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 47(2), 1-13./
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Lee, S-L., & Sung, Y-A. (2007). The expenditure pattern of the indebted overspending households. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, 45(10), 45-57./