1 |
Kim HJ, Yoon MS, Park KH, Shin JH, Heu MS and Kim JS. 2010. Processing optimization of gelatin from rockfish skin based on yield. Fish Aqua Sci 13, 1-11./
2 |
Kim YH. 2010. Performance of an active stimulating device by rope kite or array in the cod-end for increasing selectivity. Fish Aqua Sci 13, 182-189./
3 |
Kim HJ, Yoon MS, Park KH, Shin JH, Heu MS and Kim JS. 2010. Processing optimization of gelatin from rockfish skin based on yield. Fish Aquat Sci 13, 1-11./
4 |
Bae HN and Kim YM. 2010. Improvement of the functional qualities of sea tangle extract through fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae. Fish Aquat Sci 13, 12-17./
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Park IS and Im SY. 2010. Egg development and mitotic interval $({\tau}_{0})$ in black plaice, Pleuronectes obscurus (Herzenstein). Fish Aquat Sci 13, 278-283./
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Kim BY, Kim WS and Choi HG. 2010. Seasonal variability of seaweed biomass along the vertical shore gradients of Nachido and Odo islands, the Yellow Sea, Korea. Fish Aquat Sci 13, 324-331./
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Lee SY, Stoliar O and Nam YK. 2010. Transcriptional alteration of two metallothionein isoforms in mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis) fry during acute heavy metal exposure. Fish Aqua Sci 13, 112-117./
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Bae HN and Kim YM. 2010. Improvement of the functional qualities of sea tangle extract through fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 13, 12-17./
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Bae HN and Kim YM. 2010. Improvement of the functional qualities of sea tangle extract through fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae. Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 13, 12-17./
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Kim HJ, Yoon MS, Park KH, Shin JH, Heu MS and Kim JS. 2010.Processing optimization of gelatin from rockfish skin based on yield. Fish Aqua Sci 13, 1-11./