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1 노정애, 장병수, 최태부. "인장강도 측정에 의한 스 트레이트 펌 모발의 형태학적 변화에 관한 연구", 한국현미경학회, 제 39권, 제 1호, pp. 49-56, 2009./ View Article
2 노정애, 장병수, 최태부. 인장강도 측정에 의한 스트레이트 펌 모발의 형태학적 변화에 관한 연구. 한국현미경학회지. 2009;1:49-56./   KOI View Article
3 Kim JG, Kim DH, Reu DS: A Study on the Reproductive Cells in Testes of Microphysogobio yaluensis. Kor J Microscopy 39(3) : 245-252, 2009b (Korean)./   KOI View Article
4 Lee KJ, Chang BS, Teng YC, Kim S, Song MS, Joo KB, Kim DH: The Spermatogenesis of Cichlasoma managuensis, Cichlidae, Teleost. Kor J Microscopy 39 (3) : 219-226, 2009 (Korean)./   KOI View Article
5 Kim DH, Lee KJ, Kim S, Teng YC: The Spermatogenesis of Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Cyprinidae, Teleost. Kor J Microscopy 39(3) : 227-236, 2009a (Korean)./   KOI View Article
6 Oh SH, Choi JH, Song K, Jeung JM, Kim JG, Yu IK, Yoo SJ, Kim YM: Cross-sectional TEM specimen preparation of GaN-based thinflim materials using alumina dummy filler. Korean J Microscopy 39(3) : 277-281, 2009b. (Korean)/   KOI View Article
7 Kim DH, Chang BS, Jung HS, Teng YC, Kim S, Lee KJ: The Oogenesis of Chinese minnow, Leuciscinae, Teleostei. Kor J Electron Microscopy 39(3) : 237-243, 2009. (Korean)/   KOI View Article
8 Lee, HW, Moon MJ: Histochemical and fine Structural visualization of the epithelial apoptosis in the anuran tadpole during the tail regression stages. Korean J Microscopy 39 : 107-115, 2009./   KOI View Article
9 Kim IS, Chae SC, Kim DW (2009) Effects of onion and naringin extract mixed products on antihyperlipidemic levels of bio FIB hamster. Korean J Microscopy 39: 191-197./   KOI View Article
10 Kwon JN, Min BH, Lee HS, Kim SJ, Joo KH: Effect of Clonorchis sinensis excretory-secretory product on the cultured SD rat bile duct fibroblast. Korean J Microscopy 394(2) : 117-124, 2009./   KOI View Article