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1 J. Choi, A. K. Rathie & H. Harsh: Remarks on a summation formula for three variables hypergeometric function $X_{8}$ and certain hypergeometric transformations. East Asian Math. J. 25 (2009), no. 4, 481-486./   KOI View Article
2 J. G. Kim, On state transition diagrams of cellular automata, East Asian Math. J. 25 (2009), no.4, 517-525./   KOI View Article
3 J. Choi, A. K. Rathie, and H. Harsh, Remarks on a summation formula for three variables hypergeometric function $X_8$ and certain hypergeometric transformations, East Asian Math. J. 25(4) (2009), 481-486./   KOI View Article
4 J.G. Kim, On state transition diagrams of cellular automata, East Asian Math. J. 25(4)(2009), 517-525./   KOI View Article
5 장은아 외 (2009), 경영수학입문 교과목 교수-학습지도 개선 방안 - Webwork시스템 활용 과제를 중심으로, East Asian Math. J. Vol. 25, No. 3, 263-277./   KOI View Article
6 박영식.최길남, 九章術解에서의 평면도형의 넓이에 대한 고찰, EAMJ, 25(2009) No.3, 343-378./   KOI View Article
7 박영식.최길남, 산학서에서의 분수셈에 대한 고찰, EAMJ, 24(2008) No 5 431-464./   KOI View Article
8 이상근.이춘구(2008) Morley 정리의 한 증명방법과 그 활용에 대한 연구, East AsianMath. J. 24 No. 5. pp. 521-526./   KOI View Article
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