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1 Seo, J. Y. and Baek, J. H. (2009), Integrated Group Location Tracking Scheme and Its Performance Evaluation for Public Transportation Systems in Mobile Communication Networks, IE Interfaces, 22(2), 185-191./   KOI View Article
2 Lee, S. and Cho, C. (2009), Study on a Web-based Business Process Evaluation Model for BPM using BSC and Fuzzy AHP, IE Interfaces, 22(1), 26-37./   KOI View Article
3 Lee, S. Y., Jung, J. H., and Kong, M. B. (2008), Reliability Prediction for the DSP Module in the SMART Protection System, IE Interfaces, 21(1), 85-95/ View Article
4 Lee, S. B. and Kim, S. Y. (2007), A study on the Inventing Service Process Development Model (MAVIC) Based on SERVQUAL, IE Interfaces, 20(3), 315-326./ View Article
5 Jang, Y. S. and Lee, H. S. (2007), Study of RFID Enabled Air Baggage Handling Process, IE Interfaces, 20(3), 298-308./ View Article
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