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K. I. Lee and M. J. Choi, "Prediction of the dependence of phase velocity on porosity in cancellous bone," J. Acoust. Soc. Kor., vol. 27, no. 2E, pp. 45-50, 2008/
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K. I. Lee and M. J. Choi, “Prediction of the dependence of phase velocity on porosity in cancellous bone,” J. Acoust. Soc. Kor., vol. 27, no. 2E, pp. 45-50, 2008/
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S. J. Lee and S. H. Kim, "Noise Suppression Using Normalized Time-Frequency Bin Average and Modified Gain Functionn for Speech Enhancement in Nonstationary Noisy Environment," J. Acoust. Soc. Kor. 27(1E), 1-10, 2008/
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Oh Sang Kwon, 'Hybrid Adaptive Volterra Filter Robust to Nonlinear Distortion,' J. of the Acoustical Society of Korea, vol. 27, no. 3E, pp. 95-103, 2008/
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M. K. Jeong and S. J. Kwon, 'Enhanced strain imaging using quality measure,' J. Acoust. Soc. Kor., Vol. 27, No. 3E, pp. 84-94, (2008)/
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G. Y. Kim, D. C. Kim, J. Y. Yeo, and D. G. Yoo, “Acoustic properties of gassy sediments: Preliminary result of Jinhae Bay, Korea,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, vol. 26, no. 1E, pp. 33-38, 2007/
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Jin-Woo Jung and Taebo shim, "Performance Analysis of and Underwater Acoustic Communication System Combining AMC and STBC Techniques," The Journal of The Acoustical Society of Korea. vol. 26, no. 3E, pp. 97-103, 2007/