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J. Park, T. Lee, and Y. Chung, 'Hybrid-integrated tunable laser diode using polymer coupled-ring reflector,' Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 19, 219-223 (2008)/
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H. J. Lee, Y. J. Yu, I. H. Bae, and H. S. Moon 'Atomic coherence spectroscopy in the paraffin coated Rb atom vapor cell,' Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 19, 334-340 (2008)/
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J. W. Ryu, Y. S. Shin, S. Y. Kim, S. H. An, and Y. K. Kim, 'An improvement of the extended Jones matrix expression for analyzing polarization transmission characteristics of a uniaxial medium,' Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 19, 150-158 (2008)/
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염준철, 박대서, 김영석, 김대찬, 박세근, 오범환, 이일항, 이승걸, '제작 공정 오차를 고려한 연성 광 PCB용 Optical Wire의 손실특성 분석,' 한국광학회지, 제19권, 4호, pp. 255-261, 2008/
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한경호, 박용배, 김상인, 한해욱, 박익모, 임한조, '고출력 테라헤르츠파 발생을 위한 새로운 구조의 Yagi-Uda 안테나,' 한국광학회지, 제 19권 1호, pp. 9-14, 2008/
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위성민, 이승현, '가변형 패럴랙스 배리어를 이용한 무안경 디스플레이 시스템,' 한국광학회지, 제 19권 2호, pp. 95-102, 2008/
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S. Y. Jang and C. S. Rim, “Design of an endoscopi microscope objective lens composed of flexible fiber bundle and gradient-index with a high resolution and a minimallyinvasive outer diameter,” Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 19, 87-94 (2008)/
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S. C. Park and B. T. You, “Ultra-compact zoom lens design for phone camera using hybrid lens system,” Hankook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 19, 349-359 (2008)/
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이용선, 이종웅, “1매의 구면 SELFOC 렌즈와 1매의 비구면 플라스틱 렌즈로 구성된 카메라폰용 광학계의 설계”, 한국광학회지, 제19권 제2호, pp. 110-111, 2008/
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D. Lee, T. Lee, J. Park, S. Kim, and Y. Chung, 'Widely tunable double-ring-resonator add/drop filter,' Han kook Kwanghak Hoeji (Korean J. Opt. Photon.) 18, 216-220 (2007)/