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1 Kim HJ, Choe HC, Chung CH. Effect of TiN coating of abutment screw on detorque force. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 2007;45:329-38/   KOI View Article
2 Choi WJ, Kim KH, Kim JA, Knag DW, Oh SH. Evaluation and development of digital device for measuring proximal tooth contact tightness. J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2007;45:687-95/   KOI View Article
3 Seo JY, Shim JS, Lee JH, Lee KW. Clinical and radiographical evaluation of implant-supported fixed partial prostheses. J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2006;44:394-404/   KOI View Article
4 Choi JU, Jeong CM, Jeon YC, Lim JS, Jeong HC, Eom TG. Influence of tungsten carbide/carbon coating on the preload of implant abutment screws. J Korean Acad Prosthodon 2006;44:229-42/   KOI View Article
5 Seo JY, Park IN, Lee KW. Fracture strength between different connector designs of zirconia core for porsterior fixed partial dentures manufactured with CAD/CAM system. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 2006;44:29-39/   KOI View Article
6 Choi JU, Jeong CM, Jeon YC, Lim JS, Jeong HC, Eom TG. Ifluence of tungsten carbide/carbon coating on the preload of implant abutment screws. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 2006;44:229-42/   KOI View Article
7 Choi JU, Jeong CM, Jeon YC, Lim JS, Jeong HC, Eom TG. Influence of tungsten carbide/carbon coating on the preload of implant abutment screws. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 2006;44:229-42/   KOI View Article
8 Kim HS, Shin SW. Three-dimensional analysis of the normal dentition and edentulous maxilla of Koreans. J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2005;43:191-203/ View Article
9 Kim SM, Park CJ, Yi YJ, Chang BS, Cho LR. A comparative analysis with resonance frequency according to various simulated bone defects. J Koran Academy of Prosthodontics 2005;43:487-497/ View Article
10 Jeon MH, Jeon YC, Jeong CM, Lim JS, Jeong HC. A study of precise fit of the CAM zirconia all-ceramic framework. J Kor Acad Prosthodont 2005;43:611-621/   KOI View Article
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