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1 Sung, N. D. and Yoon, K. S. (2005) The roles of metal ions and water molecules in the hydrolysis of bis(p-nitrophenyl)-phosphate as a DNA model catalyzed by dinuclear Ni(II) complex. J. Kor. Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 48, 115-119/   KOI View Article
2 Kim, S. K., Ban, S. Y., Kim, J. S. and Chung, S. K. (2005) Change of antioxidant activity and antioxidant compounds in saururus chinensis by extraction conditions. J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 48, 89-92/   KOI View Article
3 Jeong, R. J., Jong, Y. K., Kyung, M. I. and Cho, D. H. (2005) Anti-obese effects of mixture contained pin needle, black tea and green tea extracts. J Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 48, 375-381/ View Article
4 Park S. N., Kim, K. H. and Kang, J. Y. (2005) Use of spectrophotimetry for quantitative determination of soil clay content. J. Korean. Appl. Biol. Chem. 48, 183-188/   KOI View Article
5 Kim, S. K., Lim, J. H., Kim, Y. C., Kim, M. Y., Lee, B. W. and Chung, S. K. (2005) Chemical composition and quality of persimmon peels according to cultivars. J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 48, 70-76/   KOI View Article
6 Kim, D. H., Song, M. C., Han, K. M., Bang, M. H., Kwon, B. M., Kim, S. H., Kim, D. K., Chung, I. S., Park, M. H. and Baek, N. I. (2004) Development of biologically active compounds from edible plant sources. X. Isolation of lipids from the flower of Campsis grandiflora K. Schum. and their inhibitory effect on FPTase. J. Korea Soc. Agric. Chem. 47, 357-360/   KOI View Article
7 Kim, D. H., Song, M. J., Han, K. M., Bang, M. H., Kwon, B. M., Kim, S. H., Kim, D. K., Chung, I. J., Park, M. H. and Baek, N.-I. (2004) Development of biologically active compounds from edible plant sources-X. Isolation of lipids from the flower of Campsis grandiflora K. Schum. and their inhibitory effect on FPTase, J. Korea Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 47, 357-360/   KOI View Article
8 Choi, S. Y., Chung S. K., Kim, S. K., Yoo, Y. C., Lee, K. B.,Kim, J. B., Kim, J. Y. and Song, K. S. (2004) An Antioxidant homo-flavoyadorinin-B-from Korean mistletoe (Viscum album var. coloratum). J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 47, 279-282/   KOI View Article
9 Kim, D. H., Song, M. Ch., Han, K. M., Bang, M. H., Kwon, B. M., Kim, S. H., Kim, D. K., Chung, I. J., Park, M. H., Baek, N.-I. (2004) Development of biologically active compounds from edible plant sources-X. Isolation of lipids from the flower of Campsis grandiflora K. Schum. and their inhibitory effect on FPTase. J. Korea Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 47, 357-360/   KOI View Article
10 Park, Y. J., Nam, Y. L., Jeon, B. R., Oh, N. S. and In, M. J. (2003) Effects of garlic addition on quality and storage characteristics of soybean curd (Tofu). J. Korean Soc. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol. 46, 329-332/   KOI View Article
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